The Ability to Triumph Begins with You.

Where does your workday begin?If your business operates in an office space outside your home, you know all about commitment and passion and how challenging it is to keep your dream alive. If your actual space is in the basement of your home, most days are filled with visions of where you want to go next. But if your office space is simply the kitchen counter, your challenge may be the hardest, as dreams seem to come and go before they are even fully formed.But nonetheless, you ARE working. Every once in a while, success catches you by surprise, as you begin fantasizing about the possibilities of this business. You imagine financial freedom within the walls of something that began as a hobby, a passion, or a need to make a difference and suddenly you get excited, filled with emotion and adrenalin…and then…something happens.For most women, there is a voice that convinces you this will never be anything more than a hobby. Sometimes it comes as you realize the school bus is about to arrive, that dinner hasn’t been made, or that you still need to food shop before everyone gets home. It is then that you will have to decide if you want it more than you fear it.“It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always.” Oprah Winfrey.When Oprah Winfrey decided to leave a life of abuse and begin a life on her own, she was 14 years old. “You become what you believe,” says Oprah. “You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed.” Oprah’s unwavering belief in her abilities is what drove her to focus all of her life’s energy on reaching her objectives.These belief factors lead her to success:

  • A goal-oriented focus.
  • The ability to overcome diversity.
  • The ability to recognize and seize the opportunity.
  • A sense of responsibility to others.
  • The courage to follow her passion.

Today, according to Forbes magazine, Oprah was the richest African American of the 20th century and the world's only Black billionaire for three years running. Life magazine hailed her as the most influential woman of her generation. In 2005, Business Week named her the greatest Black philanthropist in American history raising more than $51,000,000 for charitable programs.“The key is not to worry about being successful, but to instead work toward being significant – and the success will naturally follow,” Oprah says.This let’s work toward being significant…Together, at The Women’s Lab, January 29, 2017.Don't miss this event. Sign up today!


Designing a Structure that Produces Growth


All Entrepreneurs Should Start the New Year with these 3 Tips.