Enough Thinking. It’s Go Time!
You know that thing you have been thinking about doing...for like....ever? What if today you decided it was Go-Time?
Is there a book you have been wanting to write? A seminar you would like to give? Is there a start-up you have been dreaming about for half of your life? Maybe you have a passion and have long wondered how to create an income from it. Perhaps you simply want to retire and can’t figure out how that would even look...What is your thing? And how long have you been counting on Someday to arrive so you could finally, once and for all, have the courage to try it?
Often the mere thought of making a decision, especially one that might be something great, is so overwhelming, that the more you think about it, the more indecisive you become. And the more indecisive you become, the worse you feel about not being able to make a decision.
“Each indecision brings its own delay and days are lost lamenting over lost days...What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has Magic, Power, and Genius in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
How can you keep putting off magic, power and the possibility of some genius act? How long has it been already? Days? Months? Years? What exactly are you waiting for...?
When the summer ends, when the kids are back in school, when the kids graduate, as soon as I lose this extra weight, when I have more money, once I get another certification....when I hear that little voice in my head tell me it’s time...
What if I am your little voice? What if the reason you are reading this right now is because you have been looking for a sign all along? What if I am exactly the voice you need today? Okay then, here it is: It’s Go Time!
You have not been granted a bottomless life filled with days. You do not have any way to know how many days we even have. You have watched people live into their 90’s and watched people barely live the years they had. And yet you keep counting on more time.If today were the only day you could count on for sure, would you do it? Take the plunge? Figure it out? Work out some numbers, recruit some help and line up your pieces so you could finally tap into something calls to you at night? We have no way to know how many days in this life we will be gifted. All we know for sure is that this day is here and now and is the only one we have. So let’s go for it. Let’s stop caving into those demons in your head telling you that you can’t possibly make this work.
Maybe you can! Maybe you can’t...yet. But you will never know unless you actually go for it. Feeling motivated and inspired?
Great! Let’s make it Go-Time!