7 Ways to Effectively Communicate

Communication can be defined as the combination of the processes we implement to share and convey information.
This is not as easy as it sounds as we often think that persuasive communication IS effective communication. However, it is not. 

   Persuasive communication aims at prompting change in the receiver’s behaviors, beliefs, values, or preferences.
   Effective communication is about delivering information in a way that the receiver can understand it as intended.

The 7 C’s of communication

Completeness – Does your message completely cover the details needed? 
Effective communications are complete: The receiver gets all the information he needs to process the message and take action. A complete message reduces the need for follow-up questions.

Conciseness – Does the message stay on topic? 
It is critical that your message stays on point. This is more about the content of your message rather than its length. Even a short memo can include irrelevant or redundant information. The intention is to help the receiver focus on what’s important, to promote better understanding. 

Consideration – Do you know your audience? 
Effective communication takes into account the receiver’s background and points of view. Even the tone of your message can be interpreted as disrespectful, which could trigger an emotional reaction that then affects the perception of your message. Tailoring your message to your audience makes it easier for them to process the contents.

Concreteness – Is this supported with facts and figures? 
A concrete message is specific, tangible, vivid. It’s supported by facts and figures for enhanced credibility and helps your audience gain a broader picture, which reduces the risk of misunderstanding. 

Courtesy – Are you mindful of your audience? 
Respecting the receiver’s culture, values and beliefs with a message that is genuinely polite and unbiased greatly complements effective communication. 

Clearness – What is your intention?
Creating a clear intention and clear goal of what you are hoping your audience receives will make it easier to relay the message and easier for your audience to understand the intent. 

For increased effectiveness and credibility of your message make sure it is grammatically correct to ensure trust as an expert. Formal errors might affect the clarity of your message, trigger ambiguity and raise doubts. 


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