The Women’s Lab. Not the Classic Meet & Greet.
I know what you are thinking…another networking group. No thank you.I know because I have felt the same way about networking groups.Even the good ones felt awkward at best, arriving like the girl that didn’t get invited to the party, wondering if anyone will actually start a conversation with me or if I will have to barge into semi-private conversations to introduce myself. Even the good ones helped me meet one or two people, but I always left feeling like it was more of a billboard meeting. You know, like you show up, place your billboard in the middle of the room stating what you do, and then you leave, hoping someone might need your service in the near future. Small price to pay for some marketing perhaps, but I wanted more than that!And so we created The Women’s Lab.I wanted a room filled with like-minded individuals. Women who had an idea, a passion, a hobby or a true craft or specialty, that was in the process, or had already arrived at their own landing spot. I wanted the space to be filled with hugs and support, coffee and snacks, and definitely a place that we could share openly about what we do, or what we are dreaming about doing.The Women’s Lab evolved.But it became even more than a special place to be on a Sunday morning in the quiet town of Princeton…we begin at 10:30am just before the rest of the world is even starting their day. The sweet silence and warmth of Tigerlabs sets the stage to a home away from home, with the subtle reminder of workstations in the backdrop and comfy couches in the lounge. The scent of coffee fills the air, home made banana bread for those that are hungry and one large table completely lit up by the natural sunlight pouring in. For me, all of that would be just enough for a perfect Sunday on any given week, but there is so much more than that.As the group files in, the room becomes filled with support, affection and an excitement about who we are for each other, as well as who we are as women in business. We do not simply sit and see where the conversation goes, although we surely could since the energy in the room is always inspiring! Instead, there is a focus for each meeting.Every one is given the opportunity to write responses to directed questions about the challenges and strengths they face in this moment. They are given the opportunity to share their thoughts and topics on their mind. And then we get to the main topic of the month where everyone is directed through an activity to help each and every person create some movement in their business. For some, it might be as simple as needing to create marketing materials, others have thoughts of new hires to help them maintain balance and even some are looking down the road to where does this success lead and how will it lead to retirement.It is only then that the networking begins, but really it feels like one giant sharing of ideas of our experiences of what has worked and what has not. It feels more like a melting pot of some amazing like-minded women constantly ready to be in action and just needing someone else to say, “You go girl!”Women empowering women.The Women’s Lab is so much more than I could have imagined already. It is amazing how grateful everyone feels and how motivated everyone is about taking that enthusiasm into the world on Monday. Yet there is even more than that! This group is not just a local community of women supporting each other, but also supporting women around the world as a portion of the proceeds every month is sent to Humanity Unified, a non-profit organization that empowers communities to rise out of poverty through education, food security projects and economic opportunities.So the question is not: Another networking group? But instead: Why haven’t you joined us yet?Register for April’s event and I promise you will agree that this is not just another Networking Group, but rather creating a life by design with a lot of people cheering you on.May 21st is the next event: Creating a Powerful & Positive Mindset.We can’t wait to meet you.Register today!