What we see in this world depends on our angle and is colored by what we have seen before…
Gravity Hill and the Pull of Life.
Have you ever, and I mean, ever, said ‘no, I definitely can’t do that’ and then unbeknownst to yourself, actually did that thing?! Swim across the lake. Write that book. Get your first client. Get your 100th client. Complete that research project. Fix that thing that has been broken for-ever!?
Yes?! Then you know it’s possible. The question is how do we repeat it? How do we get past the point of saying, no, I can’t, to maybe I can, to I did it!
If only the LAST one…came with a warning label.
If only all the last of things in our life, came with a warning label. Then we could be fully prepared, right? Maybe not…sometimes letting life unfold on its’ own terms is exactly what we need.
If it’s out of your Hands, it Deserves Freedom from your Mind as Well.
This seems so obvious that every time I read it, I literally want to roll my eyes. Like, hello? Yes! Why would I continue to carry things around day in and day out when I have zero ability to control it? And how can I possibly think straight about the things I CAN control when I am holding space for the things I CAN’T?
Saying Yes to Life.
Saying yes to life is about having an excitement down deep that is constantly stirring...not because you know something great IS going to happen, but because you are open to the possibility of what will happen next, and are hopeful about it being great.
You Just Do It.
You just do it. You force yourself to get up and put one foot in front of the other. Fight the urge to give up. Then go about the business of living. You just do it.”
It’s all about perspective!