What we see in this world depends on our angle and is colored by what we have seen before…

The Organized Thinker

Do you find yourself constantly ready to start the day on fire, only to be exhausted mentally and physically way before lunch? You are not alone and there are some simple strategies that can change the daily grind. From how you begin and end a work day, to how you accept the relationships you have with people around you…believe it or not, it is about being an organized thinker.

Need Real Clarity? Be Still.

Be still? Ha! We laugh in the face of being still. Why would we do that? If you don’t know, thanks to the world of technology gifting us immediate answers, all you really need is about 3-5 minutes. If you can bare to wait that long, you will no doubt have opinions and facts to choose from right at your fingertips. Why would we need to go slow when we can move at a lightening pace? Well, there are some important reasons why!

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What if We Just Let Them?

Imagine if we chose a different perspective in the way we helped others. And instead of constantly doing things for others to make ourselves more comfortable, we just ‘let them’ do it on their own? Let’s take a look at what it means to be truly helpful…

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A Reset to Rewire your Thinking

If you have been feeling less energetic than usual, what you might need is a hard reset. Something to get yourself out of all your routines, just for a hot minute. What can you do to reset? It’s helpful to find something new. Maybe something you have never tried before or something you have often thought about but could never find the courage to break free from the routines you already have.

Enjoy some personal experience and tips on how to reset to rewire your regular way of thinking, with a pep back in your step.

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Following a Scent-Less Path

I’ve been thinking about the senses that we choose to trust, while being skeptical of others. And also wonder how we are letting these stories get in our way. I mean, there are definitely things we just need to believe, in order to carry on, so what is it that keeps our feet moving in complete darkness as long as our arms are extended?

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On the Inside of Happy

Here is the thing about being happy. We are pretty sure that being happy is dependent upon what is going on around us. The people, the things, the chaos, blended in with the celebrations that life offers. But actually, there is a way to access happiness, no matter what is going on around you!

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If it’s out of your Hands, it Deserves Freedom from your Mind as Well.

This seems so obvious that every time I read it, I literally want to roll my eyes. Like, hello? Yes! Why would I continue to carry things around day in and day out when I have zero ability to control it? And how can I possibly think straight about the things I CAN control when I am holding space for the things I CAN’T?

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I Actually DO Care, it’s Just That I Don’t Mind.

Now, at the corner of midlife, I see how important it is to care for ourselves, while keeping perspective on how others feel. That is a tough one for most of us! The intention is to understand and empathize with others, without having it change the way we feel. You know, so that you can take care of yourself, because that is the end game that leads to an authentically happy life.

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You Just Do It.

You just do it. You force yourself to get up and put one foot in front of the other. Fight the urge to give up. Then go about the business of living. You just do it.”

It’s all about perspective!

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Let’s Go Somewhere. Anywhere Will Do.

I chose this topic today because I know that it’s relatable. Maybe even more so after a year in this pandemic, but not exclusively. We have constant commentary about wanting to just go. Somewhere. Anywhere. I mean, anywhere but here. Right?

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