Born for This Shift

Imagine if you had the ability to change the way you see the world. If you could change your own mind by shifting your current perspective, literally altering the way you think and respond to whatever is happening. Think that would be a game changer in your life? 
Yes, it would!

Preorder my new book Today!

Or get a FREE copy and join me on my Street Team!

The way we experience life and everything in it is based on our own perspectives. Perspectives that are defined through our personal lens...often formed from past experiences in our life. While you may not realize your perceptions are personal to you, many of them are! No wonder it is challenging to see eye to eye even with those we love. If everyone is witnessing life through their own experiences, colored by their own lens, then in effect, isn't everyone experiencing life differently?
Yes! That is exactly why relationships can be so challenging. 

But here's the thing. We can choose a different perspective. It's true. I know it does not feel like it's possible, but it is! It's a simple matter of identifying the lens you currently use, then making a choice to shift your thinking, by changing your current perspective.
As a matter of fact, you DO have the ability to shift your perspective. In fact, you have been doing it all of your just didn't know it. But now you do! All you need to do is create a new lens, as needed, and your life will shift accordingly.

If you are up for that kind of change, this IS the book for you!
Personally, I know I was born for this shit...I mean shift :)

And you know what? You were born for this shift too, you just didn't know it. 

If you want to preorder a signed copy (for 50% off the cover price) or want to join my street team so you can receive a free copy, message me on my Instagram page @gellercoaching or email me at


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