Emerging Adult Stress-Relief with a Life Coach

Yes, it is true! A Life Coach can offer real, sustainable relief from stress and anxiety in many situations. And that is great news for our emerging adult population.

A recent study revealed that young adults spend more than six hours a day “Stressed out”. A poll of 18-25 year olds found that money, appearance and career worries as well as fears about the future created a constant anxious state of mind. And what’s worse, one in 10 feel they have no one to turn to about these concerns, leaving them to face their fears alone.

In an age where young people are worried or stressed about issues of grooming, online peer pressure, extremism and hate crimes on the rise, they are often self-medicate or choose to face a cycle of distracting thoughts, making normal day activities feel impossible. In some cases, a mental health professional will be the answer. However, Life Coaches are seeing amazing results with this age group and the ever growing state of stress and anxiety.

Anxiety and stress are a mental and sometimes physical response to the way we feel about ourselves or situations in our lives. Many people feel out of control, panicky or tense. But there are many easy tools and solutions that offer significant and lasting changes. Often, simply by learning to look at things in a different way, life can be seen and responded to in a different way.

A Life-Coach can offer new perspectives on the way things are currently seen. They are trained to help uncover specifically what heightens levels of stress or anxiety for that specific person and then help to develop different coping mechanisms. Simply by acknowledging when the triggers arise and being prepared for them, helps to redesign our responses to them. Once we begin to respond differently, the feelings begin to naturally subside. While this is difficult to do alone, Life Coaches have seen significant decreases in stress levels, while greatly increasing feelings of productivity and happiness.

Many emerging adults have come to believe that being stressed and anxious is just a part of who they are and do their best to ignore or accept it. Yet, after working with a Coach their panic attacks lessen and they begin to feel in control of their life…which naturally makes them feel less stressed, enabling them to live a more balanced, happy and successful life.

Over time, stress and anxiety can become a habitual response to a particular trigger. That trigger may be a certain situation or even the thought of it. By clarifying and acknowledging what is happening, as it happens, (or even before it occurs), young adults can create a new habitual response. One that involves an empowering and positive response.

The more we resist, the more it persists.

While our intentions are good, the more we try to solve this anxiety or stress without knowing how, the more it persists. By working with a Coach that additional stress is taken away, offering the freedom to concentrate on feeling the way one wants to feel.

Why me?

Anxiety and stress can happen to anyone. However, self imposed expectations of holding it together or being strong, often make the matter worse. The more in control you like to be, the more disruptive these negative feelings can be, which can just add to the whole effect.

Will a Coach work for me?

Find a Coach that you feel comfortable with and that has experience with emerging adults. If you are not in need of a mental health professional, a Coach may be exactly what you need. Even with young adults who have been suffering for quite a while, results can begin to happen within a few weeks. The key is to actually be in the space of wanting to feel differently. If that is where you are, then, you can find great relief as you begin the process of change.


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2019...Fire and Rain.