What we see in this world depends on our angle and is colored by what we have seen before…

The Organized Thinker

Do you find yourself constantly ready to start the day on fire, only to be exhausted mentally and physically way before lunch? You are not alone and there are some simple strategies that can change the daily grind. From how you begin and end a work day, to how you accept the relationships you have with people around you…believe it or not, it is about being an organized thinker.

Lesley Geller Lesley Geller

Mother’s Day. Without Mom.

Some days, I just need my mom. There is no rhyme or reason, no particular upset or trigger, just a feeling down deep, that today, is that day.

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anxiety, life balance, mindfulness, self-help, selfcare Lesley Geller anxiety, life balance, mindfulness, self-help, selfcare Lesley Geller

COVID-19: Maybe we Shouldn’t go Back to Normal.

As I walked my dog this morning in the bright sunshine, I was reminded of the little things that still feel normal. Like the quiet streets in my community, the birds chirping in the background, the squirrels running happily around, and the hint of summer in the distance. An unusually warm spring morning offering hope…things that are normal.

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