What we see in this world depends on our angle and is colored by what we have seen before…

The Organized Thinker

Do you find yourself constantly ready to start the day on fire, only to be exhausted mentally and physically way before lunch? You are not alone and there are some simple strategies that can change the daily grind. From how you begin and end a work day, to how you accept the relationships you have with people around you…believe it or not, it is about being an organized thinker.

Lesley Geller Lesley Geller

Paralyzed by the Decision-Making Process?

Do you ever find yourself perseverating between a few choices for so long that you feel like you can’t even make the decision at all?

You are not alone. And, there are simple techniques to help you get moving again.

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A Reset to Rewire your Thinking

If you have been feeling less energetic than usual, what you might need is a hard reset. Something to get yourself out of all your routines, just for a hot minute. What can you do to reset? It’s helpful to find something new. Maybe something you have never tried before or something you have often thought about but could never find the courage to break free from the routines you already have.

Enjoy some personal experience and tips on how to reset to rewire your regular way of thinking, with a pep back in your step.

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Lesley Geller Lesley Geller

Turning the Dial on Negative Thinking

It turns out that you have more control than you think when it comes to your negative thinking. Let’s learn to turn the dial on your negative thoughts.

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Following a Scent-Less Path

I’ve been thinking about the senses that we choose to trust, while being skeptical of others. And also wonder how we are letting these stories get in our way. I mean, there are definitely things we just need to believe, in order to carry on, so what is it that keeps our feet moving in complete darkness as long as our arms are extended?

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Reframing Balance, with Life as the Focus.

If you keep living your life the same way you’re living it now, will you get closer of further from your life vision and dreams? Let’s refocus balance and look deeply into Life-Work Balance. Making your Life, the most important part.

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Rounded Corners on This Grief Journey

My mom had some one-liners that are deeply embedded in who I am today. All of them having some significant impact.

“You can’t see around corners.” She would say kindly. And even though it was the farthest thing away from what I was thinking in that moment, I found relief every time her words gently hit the air. In general, she had a sweet and loving mama voice, but I was most aware of it when she said something simple and thought-provoking. Something I needed to hear. Even still, deep in the depths of my grief.

But if we seek, we shall find…

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Lesley Geller Lesley Geller

We Bottomed Out, Forced to Drift.

If we look beyond moments of grief and all that was lost, some amazing things have happened. Some families learned that they actually enjoyed being hunkered down with each other. Some had the chance to relearn simple things like learning to paint, play an instrument or even enjoy an extravagant puzzle. Time, was on our side. For some that was torture, but also for many, time became divine intervention. Time to float and think.

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Gravity Hill and the Pull of Life.

Have you ever, and I mean, ever, said ‘no, I definitely can’t do that’ and then unbeknownst to yourself, actually did that thing?! Swim across the lake. Write that book. Get your first client. Get your 100th client. Complete that research project. Fix that thing that has been broken for-ever!?

Yes?! Then you know it’s possible. The question is how do we repeat it? How do we get past the point of saying, no, I can’t, to maybe I can, to I did it!

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